This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

ACENET Summer School - Directive-Based Parallel Programming with OpenMP and OpenACC

The ACENET Parallel Programming Summer School will focus on teaching students the basics of parallel programming. This will include directive-based parallel programming (through OpenMP and OpenACC), message passing parallel programming (through MPI) and GPGPU programming (through CUDA), DASK and Machine Learning.




Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introduction How shared memory parallel programs work?
What is OpenMP?
How to write and compile parallel programs in C?
00:20 2. Hello World How do you compile and run an OpenMP program?
What are OpenMP pragmas?
How to identify threads?
00:50 3. Parallel Operations with Arrays How do I parallelize a loop?
01:30 4. Race Conditions with OpenMP How can we calculate integrals in parallel?
How to compile a program using math functions with gcc?
01:55 5. Searching through data How to search in parallel
02:30 6. OpenMP Tasks How to recurse in parallel
02:55 7. Calculating Electrostatic Energy How do we handle irregular tasks?
03:25 8. Drawing the Mandelbrot set How do we handle irregular tasks?
03:55 9. Introduction to GPU Programming with OpenACC How to program GPU?
04:25 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.