Shared-memory parallel programs break up large problems into a number of smaller ones and execute them simultaneously
OpenMP programs are limited to a single physical machine
OpenMP libraries are built into all commonly used C, C++, or Fortran compilers
Hello World
Pragmas are directives to the compiler to parallelize something
Thread number is typically controlled with an environment variable, OMP_NUM_THREADS
Order of execution of parallel elements is not guaranteed.
If the compiler doesn’t recognize OpenMP pragmas, it will compile a single-threaded program. But you may need to escape OpenMP function calls.
Parallel Operations with Arrays
The PARALLEL FOR (or PARALLEL DO) pragma makes a loop execute in parallel
A single variable accessed by different threads can cause wrong results
The PRIVATE clause makes a copy of a variable for each thread
Race Conditions with OpenMP
Searching through data
Reduction operators handle the common case of summation, and analogous operations
OpenMP can manage general parallel sections
You can use ‘pragma omp single’ to have a single thread execute something
OpenMP Tasks
OpenMP can manage general parallel tasks
tasks now allow the parallelization of applications exhibiting irregular parallelism such as recursive algorithms, and pointer-based data structures.
Calculating Electrostatic Energy
Drawing the Mandelbrot set
Introduction to GPU Programming with OpenACC