Independent Tasks and Job Schedulers
Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 5 minQuestions
How to run several independent jobs in parallel?
Be able to identify a problem of independent tasks
Use a scheduler like SLURM to submit an array job
- Some problems are easy to parallelize
- as long as the sub-problems don’t need information from each other,
- e.g. counting blobs in 10,000 image files.
- Other tests: Do the sub-tasks have to be done at the same time, or in order? Or could they all start and end at random times?
- Computer scientists sometimes call these “embarrassingly parallel” problems.
- We call them “perfectly parallel”. They’re extremely efficient.
- “Parameter sweep” is another type of this problem.
Independent tasks in your field?
Can you think of a problem in your field that can be formulated as a set of independent tasks?
- Don’t need fancy parallel programming interfaces to handle these problems.
- Can use a simple task scheduler like GNU Parallel
- or dynamic resource managers like PBS, Torque, SLURM, SGE, etc.
- Most DRMs support “job arrays” or “task arrays” or “array jobs”.
- SLURM: Job Arrays
An example of a submission script for an array job with the SLURM scheduler.
#SBATCH --account=sponsor0
#SBATCH --array=1-100
#SBATCH --time=0-00:01:00
echo "This is task $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID on $(hostname) at $(date)"
If the above is saved into a script called
and sponsor0
with your sponsor’s CC account it can be submitted to the SLURM schedular with:
$ sbatch
Key Points