This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

Input and Output


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 5 min
  • How is input/output in the HPC clusters organized?

  • How do I optimize input/output in HPC environment?

  • Sketch the storage structure of a generic, typical cluster

  • Understand the terms “local disk”, “IOPS”, “SAN”, “metadata”, “parallel I/O”

Cluster storage

Cluster Architecture

Broadly, you have two choices: You can do I/O to the node-local disk (if there is any), or you can do I/O to the SAN. Local disk suffers little or no contention but is inconvenient.

Local disk

What are the inconveniences of a local disk? What sort of work patterns suffer most from this? What suffers the least? That is, what sort of jobs can use local disk most easily?

Local disk performance depends on a lot of things. If you’re interested you can get an idea about Intel data center solid-state drives here.

For that particular disk model, sequential read/write speed is 3200/3200 MB/sec, It is also capable of 654K/220K IOPS (IO operations per second) for 4K random read/write.

Storage Array Network

Most input and output on a cluster goes through the SAN. There are many architectural choices made in constructing SAN.

This is all the domain of the sysadmins, but what should you as the user do about input/output?

Programming input/output.

If you’re doing parallel computing you have further choices about how you do that.

Measuring I/O rates

The most important part you should know is that the parallel filesystem is optimized for storing large shared files that can be possibly accessible from many computing nodes. So, it shows very poor performance to store many small size files. As you may get told in our new user seminar, we strongly recommend users not to generate millions of small size files.

—– Takeaways:

Moving data on and off a cluster

Estimating transfer times

  1. How long to move a gigabyte at 100Mbit/s?
  2. How long to move a terabyte at 1Gbit/s?


Remember a byte is 8 bits, a megabyte is 8 megabits, etc.

  1. 1024MByte/GByte * 8Mbit/MByte / 100Mbit/sec = 81 sec
  2. 8192 sec = 2 hours and 20 minutes

Remember these are “theoretical maximums”! There is almost always some other bottleneck or contention that reduces this!

Key Points